At 22 years old, Im extremely young, but sometimes I dont necessarily feel like I fit in with my generation.

There are days I feel more like an old soul than anything else, which makes perfect sense. Yes, I did have a little party phase right after high school, but that quickly melted away, and I could easily be found writing in my journal at a coffee shop or finding pure bliss in baking at home because I didnt feel like going out with some of my friends.

And hey, thats totally alright.

The thing about having embraced your inner grandma, or being an old soul (I just like saying inner grandma because it sounds kind of awesome) is more exciting than society gives it credit for.

We can still have fun while staying in and watching Breakfast at Tiffanys for the fifth time in a week. We can have fun napping because of course napping is wonderful. And we can have a lovely day by ourselves than with a bunch of people at a club. And honestly, I think it would be super fun to host a tea party with friends.

Another benefit to unleashing and accepting your inner old soul is that you can be comfortable with the times where you arent busy and you can be okay with not doing much. I dont mind being alone or taking time for myself or recharging.

1.You have accepted that your aesthetic might revolve around crossstitching.

Because honestly, crossstitchingsare really cool and super neat and theyre fun to make. Besides, you can never have too much cross stitching in your life.

2. You spend more afternoons napping and nights creating.

Because a lady needs to get her beauty sleep in order to be creative at night time.

3. You think about hosting cute tea parties at your apartment.

Honestly! It sounds like a cool and creative idea, right? Where are the side of scones for the tea? Lets chat up a really interesting conversation on old Hollywood starlets. And can we get some knitting going on up in here?

4. Youre really good at being the mom of the friend group.

Youre basically there for your friends 24/7, youre a wonderful listener, youre unconditionally supportive and youre really caring and sappy when it comes to your friends. Youd do anything for them, and you take the friendships in such a sentimental way.

5. Netflix is on your radar more than anything.

Netflix in bed with a bowl of cereal. Sounds perfect to me.

6. Sometimes you get more excited over food than a boy.

Is it bad to be more jazzed about a giant plate of food than having a guy give you his phone number? I guess I cant remember, considering I havent had a boyfriend in forever. #grandmaprobs

7. Sometimes youd rather hang out with your pet instead of your friends.

Animals dont judge. Animals arent complicated. People can be so complicated, and its nice to take a break from that sometimes just to hang out with an adorable creature.

8. You even dress like a grandma.

And by that, I mean lots and lots of cute cardigan sweaters. Havent you ever heard of a little thing called grandma chic? I dig it.

9. You get more excited about a books ending than anything else.

When youre submersed in a novel, nothing else really matters and youre so captured and engrossed that the rest of the world seems to shut off. Who cares about Kylie Jenner when you have The Bell Jar at your finger tips?

10. You accept that being a shut in homebody sometimes is alright.

Theres nothing wrong with staying in once in a while.

11. You love to bake.

You find baking semi-therapeutic, and it brings you a unique sense of joy especially when you bake for your friends and family.

12. You just feel old.

Its an describable feeling, but sometimes you dont truly feel like you are a Millennial, whatever that might mean.

13. Youd rather go to a coffee shop than a club.

A coffee shops isyourhappy place, unlike a club or a bar.

14. You march to the beat of your own drum.

After years of your angsty teens, youve finally found a place in your 20swhere you can start to be comfortable in your own skin and feel proud of who you are, for the most part, anyway.

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