New Ocean-Inspired Tech Turns Carbon Dioxide Into Electricity

With the climate clock ticking faster than ever, there’s a renewed focus on trying to deal with carbon emissions by turning them into fuel. A new hybrid approach aims to utilize sodium and...

How the Supreme Court (respectfully) kicked the cake down the road

(CNN)For people on both sides of the Masterpiece Cakeshop issue, it was a disappointing day. They hoped that the Supreme Court on Monday would once and for all strike a new balance between...

How to eat like a chef for less than £20 a week

Buy in bulk, shop seasonally and eat your (carrot) greens Eco chef Tom Hunt shares his thrifty food tips, shopping lists and recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinnerFood sustainability isn’t just about protecting our...

Scream Recap: It’s My Party And I’ll Die If I Want To

This weeks episode of was centered around Kierans birthday. As this is an MTV show about teenagers, his party was bound to be a miserable shit show with accidental drug use even if...