Today, most employees can work out, eat, and even drink a beer without stepping outside their offices.

With digital technologies available in more and more careers, you dont even have to work for a giant tech company to feel like youre always at work, even when youre not at work. Anyone who finds themselves checking their work email before they get out of bed in the morning can tell you that.

If you find yourself working until midnight and waking up at 5 a.m. to put in a few more hours before heading to the office, it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate. When work hours start to eat into your sleep hours, your health, mood, and even the quality of your work will suffer. You’re not doing yourself or your employer any favors by being sleep-deprived.

2. Take a lunch break (and actually leave your desk).

OK, I know most of us are guilty of eating a sandwich in front of the computer at least once. Or maybe twice. Per week. But it’s important to actually take a break during your lunch break. Your lunch hour is a time to let your mind recharge, not just a time to eat.

3. Make time for exercise.

Studies have found that even light exercise can improve your mood, stress levels, and productivity.

4. Stop checking your email at home.

It may be hard to completely avoid reading work email at home. But set limits: Only respond to urgent emails, don’t check them after 9 p.m., and please for the love of all that is holy, don’t start in on your work emails before you’ve had your coffee.

Tuning out your boss’s emails might actually make you a better employee. If you try to do several things at once work, email, tweet, listen to a podcast you’re actually less productive and your body goes into anxiety mode. So try to focus on one task at a time (protip: turn off your push notifications).

9. Call in sick.

When you’re sick, call in sick! Going into work when you’re not 100% is bad for you, your company, your co-workers, and your family. And let’s be real you’re not getting any work done when you’re miserable.

10. Get a hobby.

Having a creative outlet improves your psychological health and helps you to relax. Plus, your co-workers will think you’re really cool if you have to duck out of work a few minutes early for band practice.

11. Re-evaluate your job.

OK, obviously take this advice with a grain of salt. But if you can feasibly do it, there are many cases where you would probably be happier if you looked for a new job or even retired early. If the thought makes you giddy, it’s worth exploring.

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