Ah, the hot glue gun…every crafter’s ultimate tool.

We’re all familiar with what it’s meant to do — glue things together — but the little handheld appliance can be used for tons of other things! From creating beautiful wall art to helping you keep your clothes from falling off hangers…here’s how you can get the most out of your glue gun.

1. This genius drilled a little hole in their desk and glued their charger into it.

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2. Prevent mold buildup inside bath toys by sealing them off with glue.

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3. Go old-school and seal your envelopes like so.

4. Decorate bottles and paint them to create cute vases.

5. When you wrap your phone in a plastic bag and cover it with glue, you can make a cool, customized phone case.

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6. If you work with clay, make cool designs on a rolling pin and the decorative options are endless!

7. Use silicone molds to make little pendants to attach to bobby pins, earrings, and more fun accessories.

8. This ring is easy to make and simple to customize!

9. You can make cool abstract art by replacing the glue sticks with crayons.

10. Cover wire to make beautiful home decor pieces that look like coral.

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11. Make little kids’ indoor shoes slip-free by doing this to their soles.

12. Use it to make an awesome mask!

13. Grab some magnets and whatever else you want and easily make some fridge magnets.

14. Ensure that your wide-necked shirts never slip off your hangers again.

15. Craft your own fancy makeup brush cleaning boards.

16. You can basically turn your glue gun into a 3-D printer.

17. Glue some rope together and you get this cute basket!

Wow, I had no idea there were so many fun ways to use my glue gun!

What are you going to do first?

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