There’s nothing like a cold beer on a hot day, but any other time of the year, you’re more likely to find me with a spirit in my hand than a lager. But for those who love knocking down pints of ales, stouts, and malts, you might want to take a look at all the other things you can do with your beer.

Introducing the vast world of cooking with brews…get ready, because this is going to change your world.

1. This marriage of beer, cheese, and pulled chicken is a good way to start off.

Buns In My Oven

2. Even hummus can get a kick in the pants with some IPA.

3. Grilled cheese becomes infinitely better when you soak the bread in beer.

4. Fish tacos + beer = a match made in food heaven.

5. Risotto is tough to make, but I think this ale addition makes it worth your while.

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6. It’s my belief that cheese and beer were destined for one another…and that bacon puffs were meant to be dipped into that mixture.

7. The wheat beer in this pizza dough gives it a distinct, delicious taste.

8. Customize this three-ingredient beer bread by using your favorite brew.

9. Then again, I might choose this more complex garlic, cheese, and beer bread instead.

10. This spicy beer shrimp dish is to die for.

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11. I want all of this beer braised pulled pork. Right now.

12. Winter may be over but that doesn’t mean you can’t still make this beer braised beef stew.

13. Throw some brie, cheddar, apples, and beer into a pot and you make a beyond delicious soup.

14. I’m no vegetarian but these eggplant burgers with honey beer-glazed caramelized shallots are too good to pass up.

15. If you just want a beer-y side, these buttered mushrooms will go with anything.

16. Brittle is good. Brittle with bacon is better. Brittle with bacon and beer is the best.

17. I just fell in love with these chocolate beer brownies.

18. If you like glazed doughnuts, you’ll LOVE these ones with beer.

19. These mini cheesecakes are double trouble — they’re made with chocolate stout and topped with salted beer caramel sauce.

More beer, please!

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